Monday, March 31, 2025



The effect of a mudra can be immensely intensified with the breath. This is why it is very important to know what breathing does. When you understand the following principles, then you

can influence the effect of a mudra according to your own needs.

• Pay attention to a symmetrical posture and hold your arms about one inch away from your body. Even this position alone brings a sense of inner equilibrium and harmony as it regulates

the activity of the nervous system and hormonal glands.

• In addition to carbon dioxide, we also discharge expended energy on the subtle level when we exhale deeply. This is why you should always exhale vigorously several times at the beginning of a mudra. Make room for what you want to achieve.

• Always lengthen the little pause after inhaling and after exhaling by several seconds. This is the most important aspect of the breathing process. The inner powers are developed

during the pauses—on every level.

• When you practice a mudra to calm yourself, then slow your breathing.

• When you practice a mudra to refresh yourself, then intensify your breathing.

• The optimal quality of breathing is achieved when the breath is slow, deep, rhythmic, flowing, and fine.

At the beginning of a mudra meditation, exhale vigorously several times and then let the breath become deeper and slower. You now have three possibilities:

First: Focus on your hands and fingers, perceive the gentle pressure where they touch each other;

Second: While inhaling, you can press the fingertips together a bit more and let go of the pressure when exhaling; Third: You can do it the other way around and apply a bit more pressure while exhaling and let go of the pressure when inhaling.

Every variation has its special effect. The first variation centers, creates inner equilibrium, and builds up strength in general. The second variation strengthens the will and refreshes. The third variation calms and relaxes. Try out these variations and feel the difference yourself! It is possible that you won’t immediately feel the effect, but it is still there. The outer circumstances of our lives usually shape themselves according to our imagination and the contents of our minds. So we have the possibility of shaping our inner images in such a way that we enjoy life, experience success in our work, and have relationships on a loving and understanding basis. It is very important to create an unshakable faith and be filled with both fervor and serenity to accompany our self-made images. We need to create little experiences of success for ourselves, since what functions in a small way will also succeed on a larger scale. We can slowly build and develop this confidence. Just imagine what would happen if a great many people would simultaneously imagine a beautiful world with rich flora, content animals, happy human beings, and firmly believe that this is possible. Join in—then there will already be two of us!

If we can clearly express what we do not want and definitively formulate our wishes and needs, this can already be the beginning of a new order in life. For many years now, I have worked with affirmations— sometimes more, sometimes less. Time and time again, their astounding effects have astonished me. For example, my kitten disappeared one day. I repeated the same sentence over and over the entire day: “With divine strength and power, I find my kitten again.” Toward evening, I simply knew where my kitten was. The woman was completely perplexed when I claimed that my cat was in her garage, but it was true. It is so simple, and some people even find it a bit naive. But things that are particularly simple and naive usually have the greatest effective power. The same principle applies to affirmations as it does to visualizations. Say them full of faith, fervor, and serenity. You can say them one to three times, during or after the meditation. You can also pause for a moment during the day and speak your affirmation in a quiet or a loud voice. Make use of this wonderful possibility and talk yourself into what you really want—what is good for you. If you want to get rid of something stubborn, a negation can also be helpful. Speak it at the beginning, while you are vigorously exhaling. For example, “This hatred (or resentment, feeling of guilt, pain, fear, desire to smoke, etc.) will immediately disappear and dissolve itself”

Prashanth T V
Prashanth T V's bestselling author Prashanth T V writes Yoga, Fitness and Ayurveda. Prashanth is a tech guy, works for a technology industry. When he is not writing in his favorite spot, Prashanth spends most of his time reading, cooking, traveling the world and catching his favorite Cartoon shows. An admitted sports fanatic, he feeds his addiction to cricket by watching any match on TV's. Keep in touch with Prashanth via the Social Media:


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