ladi – A type of laggi.
ladi kaida – A kaida created by having a ladi follow a strict kaida format.
laggi – A fast lively style of playing, similar to rela, used in light styles of playing, particularly with bhajans, thumris, gazal, etc.
laggi kaida – A laggi constructed upon a strict kaida structure.
laghu – An archaic unit of time equal to two drut.
laghushekhar tal – An obscure tal of five or seven beats.
lahara – A simple, repetitive melody used to accompany tabla solos and kathak dance. Sometimes (incorrectly) referred to as naghma.
lakadi – (Lit. wood) The wooden shell of the tabla.
lakhnowi baj – The style of playing originating from Lucknow.
lakshan geet – A style of singing where the lyrics are a description of the rag.
Lakshmi – Goddess of wealth.
lakshmi tal – An obscure tal of 18 or 36 beats.
lalkila paran – A type of dohatthu which is inspired from nagada.
langalul tal – An obscure tal of 14 beats.
lav – 1) Maidan, sur, the part of the tabla’s playing surface between the chat (kinar) and the syahi. 2) An archaic unit unit of time said to be equal to eight kshan.
lavani tal – An eight beat tal.
lay – Tempo.
layakari – 1) The relationship between the performed pulse of a composition and the theoretical beat. 2) Complex divisions of the beat.
lilawati tal – An obscure tal of 13 beats.
lokmata tal – An obscure tal of 19 beats.
lom-vilom – A novel structure which is composed of two parts. The first part being a mirror image of the second. Therefore, the composition is the same whether it is read backwards or forwards.
lucknow – 1) A city in northern India. 2) The gharana from this area.